(337) 886-7282 llssa@llssa.org

L1-15G.01- “As Built” Drawings

L1-15G.01- “As Built” Drawings Mark a set of floor plans or blueprints to: Show the final system as installed Show route of wiring Location of devices Make a set for the site and another for the...

L1-15F.06- Mark Cable For Construction

L1-15F.06- Mark Cable For Construction Mark cable on construction sites in several locations. Wiring may be cut by other trades. Consider mounting plywood on your own at your control location to avoid problems with other trades. Protect cable labels that may be...

L1-15F.04- Record Wiring On A Wire Chart

L1-15F.04- Record Wiring On A Wire Chart Mark each wire with a number or letter List the number and a description of the wires location and use Include a description of any splices Record wiring runs on a floor...